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Rapidshare Unlimited

This is cool program…
Are u downloader maniac?
Are u suck with Rapids?
Don’t worry guy’s, now u can download how often you want with this tool..
Just download here or It’s easy Just:
1.Installing the program
2.Add link that what you want to download
3.Wait a moment until ready to lunch (I mean download) and then click “download button”
4.Now u can download with 300Mb(Now became 100Mb) limited without waiting r queing even you start download with morethan 1-2 file in same time or much more file to download. but don’t worry u can use another e-mail to register to this program(again). So it count bring you back to be newest user..
5.Enjoy it!!
Don’t worry it’s legal and absolutely free..
I found this tips in Indonesian language here



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